A Boy With a Memory
As a Karaoke Movie Machine
5 Feature Films
NL / TH / CS

Bram Loogman +
Paul Groot +
Namfon Udomlertlak +
Vlad Simic +
Dontree Siribunjongsak

QUINTEN: A BOY WITH A MEMORY AS A MOVIE KARAOKE MACHINE is a series of 5 experimental full-lenght films produced together with dutch filmmaker Bram Loogman & art critic Paul Groot

QUINTEN narrates the story of a boy who is lost inside his memory, that stores the complete film history archive. QUINTEN thinks he might be persecuted by Google Coorporation because his particular mind can also interfere into secret information networks. QUINTEN cannot make out what is film and what is life. For him, life and film are the same, as his eyes are also a 3D Camera.

QUINTEN is also a normal guy that felt in love with a Girl, Sylvie. But nor the Actor nor QUINTEN could distinguish if this love story was real or just part of an unwritten script, so he went to look for Sylvie to her home land, at exactly the other side of the Planet. Actually, he went twice, once as the Actor, and once as QUINTEN. QUINTEN became a hack in the mind of the performer. QUINTEN died after 5 films, when he liberated himself from his creators. QUINTEN I: A Boy With a Memory as a Karaoke Movie Machine, QUINTEN II: Un-Linked and QUINTEN III: The Last Movie (3D) were premiered at THE EYE Filmmuseum, Amsterdam in July 2015. QUINTEN will always live in his own cinematic film archive.

(A Door To Heaven)
Trascendental Film-Making

Bram Loogman +
Aaltje Kramer +
Vlad Simic +
Namfon Udomlertlak +
Nina Jan +
Signe Tørå Karsrud +

HELL IS a product of faith. When we shot this project, we went to Iceland in search of a trascendental experience. We self-funded the shooting out of our own faith on it. We exchanged services to get plane tickets & housing. We swapped artworks for production tools. We created the costumes out of left overs from arabic furniture stores. We collaborated with Dancers, Art Critics, Programmers, Cinematographers, Fashion Designers, Visual Artists and Jewelers that could join the faith we had in the project and share it back with us.

HELL IS became the starting poing of a life-involving film project, a seed that would later made us rethink everything we thought we knew. HELL IS became HELL but also HEAVEN. Or a DOOR to HEAVEN. HELL IS a gate to amazing landscapes where we could set up our own cinematic rituals.

HELL IS has only been privately shown in Palmstraat, Amsterdam, as a Meditative Introspective Film-Tool, in May 2014. HELL IS a hack of virtuality in order to achieve a sacred experience. HELL IS essential to burn our own fears. HELL IS THE OTHER until we get to see the mirror in between.

Dancing Avatars
4 Love & Evol
Camera Dancers

NL / TH / IS / DK

Bram Loogman +
Mo SV +
Oscar Vast +
Rikke Roesdahl

D-A-L-E is a scream to encourage action and movement. D-A-L-E is full of Anarchists Dancers, both in front and behind the camera. D-A-L-E is an spontaneous performance that transforms any landscape or location into a Dancefloor. It's the urge to return to our own flesh & bones media, the majestic tool we called Human Body.

D-A-L-E was conceived as a frame to find what we are looking for inside our own organism. Several D-A-L-E videos have been released so far, but other several are still waiting to be edited. D-A-L-E will always priorize dancing rather than editing, until edition tools become danceable or automatic.


11 Rituals
AR / BO / PE / EC / CO / VZ

Gabriel Molina +
No Lugar

NIAON cannot be explained, either classified or described. It arrived to our bodies as a guiding energy straight from open sky, firstly contacted at Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012. Sustained contact was only possible thanks to complete delivery, constant evocation and intuitive reception of higher dimensions by its channelers.

A RITUAL TOUR is an experiential retreat, where theater and dance become the human resource used to contact, work and collaborate with those manifested realities, natural portals and local communities that appears in the path. It is an anthropological reaction that allows the tourers to get involved not only with the inhabitants of the walked lands, but also with their secrets, their geo-location and their own use of introspective techniques, as a way to push on what is oppressed, to explore mythologies and stories as healing tools. It’s a call for a tour of integration between humanity, culture and nature.

NIAON, A RITUAL TOUR was registered as 11 Rituals setted up in specific energetic spots all across South-American Continent. NIAON, A RITUAL TOUR has only been partially edited and has been never completely exhibited.